Dịch vụ tư vấn OKRs | VNOKRs

Dịch vụ
Tư vấn OKRs

VNOKRs là đơn vị cung cấp toàn diện các giải pháp OKRs:
Kiến thức, Đào tạo, Tư vấn, Công cụ
Đăng ký ngay
Chuyên gia tư vấn
Tác giả cuốn sách OKRs - Hiểu đúng làm đúng,
Huấn luyện viên OKRs,
Founder cộng đồng OKRs Việt Nam (VNOK),
Kinh nghiệm triển khai OKRs thực tế cho các doanh nghiệp
của chính mình,
Khách hàng
Những khách hàng tiêu biểu mà VNOKRs
đã tư vấn, đào tạo
Gói dịch vụ
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dictum at diam
vel ultrices. Vestibulum vel nulla sed
Tư vấn 1-1
A peep at some distant orb has power to
raise and purify our thoughts like.
10 triệu/h
Đào tạo quản lý cấp cao
A peep at some distant orb has power to
raise and purify our thoughts like.
30 triệu/buổi
Đào tạo doanh nghiệp
A peep at some distant orb has power to
raise and purify our thoughts like.
30 triệu/buổi
Tư vấn thực thi
A peep at some distant orb has power to
raise and purify our thoughts like.
100 triệu/quý
Tư vấn thực thi toàn diện
A peep at some distant orb has power to
raise and purify our thoughts like.
300 triệu/quý
Triển khai thực thi tổng thể
A peep at some distant orb has power to
raise and purify our thoughts like.
1 tỷ/năm
Lớp học
Hình ảnh lớp học lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec
dictum at diam vel ultrices. Vestibulum vel nulla sed
Đánh giá về khóa học
Though the gravity still dragged at him, his muscles were making great efforts to adjust. After the daily
classes he no longer collapsed immediately into bed. Only the nightmares got worse.
"What looked like a small patch of purple grass, above five feet square, was moving across the sand in their direction.
When it came near enough he perceived that it was not grass there were no blades, but only purple roots. The roots were
revolving, like the spokes of a rimless wheel."
Trần thị Phiêu Du
Digital Director, Queen Bee
"What looked like a small patch of purple grass, above five feet square, was moving across the sand in their direction.
When it came near enough he perceived that it was not grass there were no blades, but only purple roots. The roots were
revolving, like the spokes of a rimless wheel."
Trần thị Phiêu Du
Digital Director, Queen Bee
"What looked like a small patch of purple grass, above five feet square, was moving across the sand in their direction.
When it came near enough he perceived that it was not grass there were no blades, but only purple roots. The roots were
revolving, like the spokes of a rimless wheel."
Trần thị Phiêu Du
Digital Director, Queen Bee
"What looked like a small patch of purple grass, above five feet square, was moving across the sand in their direction.
When it came near enough he perceived that it was not grass there were no blades, but only purple roots. The roots were
revolving, like the spokes of a rimless wheel."
Trần thị Phiêu Du
Digital Director, Queen Bee
Đăng ký ngay
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dictum at diam vel
ultrices. Vestibulum vel nulla sed

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